Research and development


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Research and Development

From R&D activity come Innovation and Competitiveness that are for sure the two complementary facets of growth for our Group.

In the Global Market, where every new technology or competition advantage are moving at Internet speed competitiveness and innovation are tied together and are  essential to gain customer's preference and fidelity.

It is very important to disseminate and promote among people spirit of innovation looking unceasingly for continuous improvement.
Active teams in R&D are essential players for Group growth through innovation and competitiveness.

Companies in answering to new market challenges must find a lean approach object oriented paying attention to every facets of logistic cycle. Technologic patrimony of our Companies is increased day after day by findings and improvements that converge into the production crucible of the Group.

Companies in answering to new market challenges must find a lean approach object oriented paying attention to every facets of logistic cycle. Technologic patrimony of our Companies is increased day after day by findings and improvements that converge into the production crucible of the Group.

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